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About B.G. Harvey

B.G. Harvey has always been a story reader and a storyteller. Blessed to be homeschooled until 8th grade, Harvey was that one weird kid who read his History book for fun and, very unlike what you would expect from the extreme extrovert that he is, read a copious amount of books in his childhood.


Reading Christopher Paolini's "Inheritance" series (the 800 page Brisingr was devoured in less than 3 days) was what sparked Harvey's love for fantasy adventures, and that passion has never died away - ask his parents and brother all the times he wandered about the woods of his childhood home with a stick for a sword, challenging all manner of imaginary creatures (or his human friends) to epic battles.

Harvey began his writing endeavors before he was 7, with short stories written in and illustrated with sharpie (with his wonderful mother's help and guidance). Later, under the guidance of a few particulalry spectacular English teachers, came poetry on topics ranging from the typical emotions of a high schooler to nature - which is still his favorite thing to write poetry about.

In college at THE Ohio State University (O-H!), Harvey began writing longer pieces and poems, culminating in a thesis paper that was as much an academic piece as it was a bit of futurable science-fiction.


In the gap year that followed, with the support of his incredible parents and family, Harvey really started writing. He completed his first ~400 page military sci-fi novel (which will remain unpublished barring a massive overhaul and edit) in a few short months. Through the experience gained by writing that book and a chunk of its sequel, Harvey became a better writer, researcher, and reader.

Coinciding with his admission into and active studying in Kent State's Master of Library and Information Science program, he wrote a second and third book over the course of 2019-2021.


Finally, after more than a few series of edits, the help of his family, friends, and the unmitigated grace and glory of the LORD Jesus Christ, B.G. Harvey's books are ready to emerge into the light of day!

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